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Statement on the upcoming Ethereum's "The Merge"

In the Ethereum network, as part of the “The Merge” project, the consensus algorithm will change from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS). The change of the algorithm will take place in two stages.

The WebMoney Transfer system will suspend WMF (full) and WMT (ERC-20) I/O within the following periods:

September 06, 2022, from 13:00 to 14:00 (UTC) when updating Bellatrix for the consensus level. If there are disruptions to the Ethereum network during the upgrade, the down time to resume operations may be increased.
Approximately September 15, 2022, when updating Paris for performance level. The exact time will be announced later.
WebMoney system will inform you in more detail about the procedure for crediting new crypto assets during the two competing chains split at the creation of a new token.
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